
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Benefits of Using Annie Sloan Soft Wax

You have finished painting your piece - now what? 

You don't need to strip, sand or prime but, you do need to finish your piece with Annie Sloan Soft Wax. Why use this and not some other? 

  • Well, it is a soft wax as the name implies, which means that it will glide onto your furniture easily. 
  • It was made specifically made for her paint so it will be absorbed into the paint.
  • It will help to protect your project and is water resistant.
  • The Clear Wax has no color and will not yellow over time. 
  • This wax comes in both Clear and Dark, but you can mix it with Chalk Paint® to create a colored wax.
  • The wax has very little solvent which means it dries naturally and there is almost no odor.
  • It buffs to a beautiful patina. 

Remember to always wax first with the Clear Wax before applying the Dark Wax, which allows you to apply the Dark Wax where you want. If you don't, the Dark Wax will be absorbed directly into the paint and your piece will be too dark.

When would you not wax? It is not recommended on outdoor furniture and I personally do not wax inside drawers or cabinets. Otherwise, I wax most all of my projects. 

Join us at our next Chalk Paint® Workshop to learn more about waxing, sanding and buffing.