A Complimentary is the opposite color on the color wheel -
it can mean that they can fight each other or they can get along really well....
Cream is the opposite of Old Violet and in this case get along really well!
With these two Complimentary Colors, one is primary and one is secondary.
With these two Complimentary Colors, one is primary and one is secondary.
Here, Cream (the primary color) is made from
yellow with lots of white in it and
Old Violet (the secondary color)
yellow with lots of white in it and
Old Violet (the secondary color)
is made from blue and red.
Mix them together and you get Paloma -
a lovely purple grey.
Want to learn more about Chalk Paint® colors?
Join me at the next Chalk Paint® Class in Richmond
where we will be talking about
Expanding You Color Options.
Classes are complimentary, but please,
call 804-562-8326 to register.
Chalk Paint® and supplies are available at my two shops:
4323 Irvington Rd., Irvington, VA and
19 S. Belmont St. (in the heart of Carytown), Richmond, VA
For directions to either shop, click HERE
To see more tips, tutorials and photos: Paintbrush and Pearls
4323 Irvington Rd., Irvington, VA and
19 S. Belmont St. (in the heart of Carytown), Richmond, VA
For directions to either shop, click HERE
To see more tips, tutorials and photos: Paintbrush and Pearls